Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Headband!

As most of you know, I love knitting. And crocheting. And both together.

Anyway... My mom won a pattern on a blog. This pattern to be exact :) And she let me make it! I love it!! It was super quick and easy!!

So, have any of you been up to any crafty things lately??


Jenna K. said...

Wowz! That looks really pretty!

♫ Kathleen ♫ said...

I like it :)

Amanda said...

Love that headband! I've wanted one similar to that since last year!

milkyway531 said...

It's pretty :D xx

godsgirl said...

how did you make the flower???

Lily said...

@godsgirl, It was crochet! It was pretty simple, but since the pattern was bought (or in my case won) I'm not allowed to give anything in the pattern away :(

Ella Staskavage said...

Hey Lily! I was looking over your pictures and WOW! Your'e an incredible photographer! Actually, I am a photographer and just starting out with my new line! I've gotten a couple of clients but would like to be discovered! So, I thought it'd be a good idea to have a photo contest! :) You can visit my site at:
or email me! (emails at the blog)

THe prize for the contest is $15, and will be showcased on my actual business website so you could also be discovered by my clients! PLEase check it out and tell your friends! IF you have any other questions just email me!

THanks you!

Blessings, Ella <3
Smile Photography

Ash M. Monty said...

That headband is tres cute! My mom would be so jealous since she can't knit (all of her scarves keep turning into little, mini bowl hats :O)

Emily Ruth said...

Oooh, I love this headband! I have seen that pattern and I really want to make it! Maybe I'll try to figure it out on my own.
Lately I have been trying to catch up on my many unfinished knitting projects. :)

Lily said...

@Ella, I just entered! I hope your buissness takes off! :)
@Ash, haha thats so wierd! How do they do that??
@Emily, Thanks!!